INTJ vs INTP: 5 Ways To Tell Them Apart

Just because two personality types have similar letters doesn’t mean they’re all that much alike.

When it comes to INTJ vs INTP, we can help tell them apart.

While these two personality types definitely have similarities, they also have vast differences that make it obvious they’re two very different types of people.

This is crucial information to know simply because it can help you determine who you’d have better chemistry with relationship-wise.

Here’s how you can tell an INTJ vs INTP personality type apart.

 1. Intake of Information

Both of these personality types are known for being full of knowledge.

They tend to know a lot about a number of different topics, and that may make it seem like this is a strong similarity between the two, but in reality, the way they take in knowledge is quite different.

INTJs gather information and immediately discard anything that they don’t feel does them any good. This means getting rid of any excess knowledge that doesn’t quite help them come to a conclusion or solution to a topic.

INTPs, on the other hand, take in all knowledge no matter whether it helps them or not. They don’t really see any information as being “useless” the way INTJs do.

And this means they can hold on to excess and have a harder time making decisions, whereas INTJs are very decisive people.

2. Making Decisions

You’d think with the way both of these personality types take in information that they’d have similar decision-making processes, but that’s not the case here.

INTJ vs INTP, in the case of making decisions, are very different personality types.

INTJs tend to go through all the facts and make logical, analytical decisions based on what we know. We also do so confidently and rarely go back on what we decide.

Not only that but our decisions are also made rather quickly. We’re able to take the information, process it, and come to a conclusion fast – which plays to our problem-solving traits.

INTPs, on the other hand, are very poor at making decisions.

Because they hold on to so much information, they weigh the outcomes heavily. This often causes them to go back and forth with what they should decide, making it difficult to actually choose something.

To an INTP personality type, a decision isn’t final, as INTJs think. Unlike INTJs, INTP personality types always see a decision as flexible, able to change if they so choose.

3. Leadership Roles

You’d think with what we know about INTJs and INTPs that both would be equally as suited for leadership roles.

They’re both knowledgeable, creative, and hardworking (provided the timing is right for the INTP), so why is it that INTJs make far better leaders than INTPs?

INTJs are actually far better suited for a leadership role, even though we’d never actually ask for one. INTPs are similar in the sense that they don’t want to be a leader, but that’s really where their similarities with this trait end.

Because INTJs are highly organized, analytical, and decisive, others see us as sound leaders and actually prefer we take the lead. And while an INTJ would do great in a leadership position, we don’t often enjoy it and would rather take on a project alone.

INTPs aren’t seen as very leader-like simply because of their flexible, spontaneous nature.

They don’t appear to be nearly as responsible as INTJs due to their whimsical qualities, even though they are responsible when it counts.

4. Making Plans

intj vs intp making plans

INTJ personality types are planners to their core. They love knowing exactly what will happen and when.

This helps them function happily and orderly, which is something they really can’t live for long without while staying sane.

Therefore, INTJs think very logically about the steps we need to take in order to get a task done or reach our goals.

INTPs, on the other hand, behave very differently. They tend to go with the flow and rely more on their gut instinct than through planning.

They never really have a plan for anything and let life guide them on their journey toward a specific place or goal. It may seem like it would never work out, but because of an INTP’s ability to take conceptual thoughts and turn them into complex ideas, it does work.

It’s just wildly different compared to how an INTJ would approach a situation. In fact, the INTPs methods would drive us INTJs nuts after a while.

Neither could live with the other’s process when it comes to planning.

5. Structure and Order

INTPs basically hate structure. They’re not the type to stick with a set regimen or do well with one. As mentioned above, they’re spontaneous and thrive on going with what life brings them.

INTJs thrive on structure and organization. It helps us make plans and decisions, and follow through with our goals in a detail-oriented manner.

We hate not knowing what’s coming next, and spontaneity really isn’t in our vocabulary because of this.

Many would look at an INTJ’s everyday life and see it was well-structured. They would refer to us as organized and orderly, whereas INTPs would appear messy, all over the place, and lacking in direction.

INTPs need flexibility in order to maintain their sanity – even in the workplace. They tend to work when their motivation is high instead of working on specific tasks at specific times like an INTJ.

While INTJs may seem outwardly more responsible and respectable, INTPs still uphold those values deep down, where it counts.

Learning the differences between an INTJ vs INTP shows you just how different these two seemingly similar personality types can be.

While they have many similar qualities, they’re not even close to the same.

So, how did we do? Do you agree with out INTJ vs INTP breakdown? Let us know in the comments below!