Common INTJ Stereotypes (The Myth & The Truth)

Among MBTI types, INTJ is definitely the one surrounded with the most stereotypes.

From a rude soul to a squared mind, we’re usually described as people made of ice or stone.

Quite stupid, given that truth couldn’t be more different.

Well, no more.

I’ve researched the most popular INTJ stereotypes, and today, I’ll debunk them with you.

So let’s dive straight in.

8 Myths About INTJs Debunked

I’m sure you’ve heard many of these at least a few times in your life. Well, it’s about time we confirm that these are not real.

INTJs think they know everything

INTJs are often considered to be know-it-alls, but that’s far from what they think of themselves.

There are many things they don’t know. But INTJs are actually very confident about their knowledge. And who wouldn’t be after thoroughly researching the topics of their interest? 

An INTJ questioning someone’s opinions often comes out as “showing off,” but that’s not the point behind their actions. INTJs care way more about finding the truth than being wrong or right.

Plus, an INTJ person only engages in an argument they have enough knowledge about. If they don’t know enough facts to base an opinion on, they won’t simply make it up for the sake of argument.

INTJs are narrow-minded

One thing’s for sure, and that’s the fact that you can hardly change an INTJ’s mind. But it’s not because they’re inflexible and dismissive of other people’s opinions. 

As I already said, INTJs are very thorough in researching facts when developing an opinion. 

Let’s say you ask an INTJ which presidential candidate they like better. They will never give you a “random” answer just for the sake of answering. 

No. INTJs will dedicate time to research each candidate, from the moment they stepped into politics. They might even make a comparison chart with facts and numbers that allow them to make a rational decision. 

After so much time learning as much as they can about a topic, we can say that their opinions have a pretty solid foundation. Let’s be real, such opinions won’t change just because someone tells them they’re wrong. 

They’ll need some bulletproof evidence that their thorough critical thinking process malfunctioned. But if it turns out to be true, INTJs won’t mind standing corrected.

INTJs hate everyone

serious man sitting on stairs

Never starting a conversation, not answering calls, skipping social gatherings… Sounds like an INTJ. 

Many would say that’s a clear sign they don’t like you. As an INTJ character, I understand that – but I know that’s far from true. 

The thing is, an INTJ can ghost you, but they usually do it unintentionally. 

You see, it’s easy for an INTJ to get lost in their heads, forgetting about the reality around them. And during that zoning-out period, they’re disconnected from the people around them completely.

INTJs have no emotions 

I’m sure you’ve heard this INTJ stereotype at least a dozen times. But even though it’s common, it’s a big misconception.

Of course that INTJs have feelings – they aren’t made of ice.

In fact, they might even feel those emotions on a deeper level compared to many Feeling MBTI types.

However, INJT’s emotions are internalized, and they don’t like putting them out for everyone to see. 

You should also know that INTJs usually have a very strong moral code. So while people may think they’re sociopaths without feelings, rest assured they’ll care about choices made based on ethics.

INTJs hate social interactions

It’s true that INTJs prefer a small, quiet gathering to a large, noisy party. But that doesn’t mean they absolutely hate being surrounded by other human beings.

In fact, they might enjoy that quite a bit, as long as it can be at least a bit done on their terms.

Instead of going to a loud concert or club, an INTJ would rather take friends to museums, art galleries, or another place that allows you to hear each other.

But don’t push it. There’s no need to fill the weekly schedule with forced activities. Remember that INTJs also need some time alone to recharge after that.

INTJs aren’t good in romantic relationships

man and woman on a date

This is yet another stereotype that tells others INTJs are cold-blooded psychos. And again, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

While INTJs can appear distant and reserved, that’s mainly the case with people they don’t know well or care about. The same goes for the fact that they need specific time alone for themselves.

However, that doesn’t mean that their romantic interest will feel neglected and unloved.

When INTJs are in a relationship, they’re very committed and loyal to the ones they love. Letting someone in doesn’t come easy for an INTJ personality type. So when that happens, their partners will know they’re special.

INTJs are not fun

This stereotype is so stupid. 

I mean, who defined what fun is and isn’t?

And while it’s true that INTJs are workaholics, they also like to let loose at the end of the week. They’re not robots.

Plus, they can be very creative when it comes to finding a way to kill boredom. INTJs aren’t just about going to museums and reading books. They also enjoy sports, movies, and music – like anyone else.

Furthermore, the reason why some people see INTJs as boring is simply that they don’t get their sense of humor.

And let me tell you something – it’s their loss.

INTJs tend to be very sarcastic and even dark sometimes. They also prefer subtle puns and irony with elements of satire, like British humor.

And I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But for those who like that kind of humor, rest assured they’ll have a fun time laughing at INTJ’s jokes.

INTJs are great leaders

INTJs have many qualities of great leaders. They’re very intelligent and efficient and have a bigger picture in mind and a plan on how to achieve it. 

Sounds like a recipe for success, no?

Well, it’s a no, actually.

The thing is, INTJs would do great in such an atmosphere… were they not working with other people.

As you know, social interaction is draining to INTJs. But as managers and leaders, they’re constantly surrounded by people they need to interact with.

And what’s worse, many of them probably won’t be as efficient and hardworking as INTJs are. 

What’s INTJ’s biggest pet peeve? Time-wasting. So you can bet how they get stressed when their coworkers don’t know how to stick to the plan.

So, while INTJs can be a great asset to your team, they’re not great as leaders. That position requires too much interaction on their behalf.

To Sum Things Up

As you can see, INTJ stereotypes can be quite harsh.

From cold-blooded psychopaths to boring old people, there are some weird perceptions about this MBTI type.

And while on the surface these stereotypes don’t seem wrong, they’re actually far from the truth. That’s quite obvious as soon as you get to know them a bit better.

Why are INTJs considered weird? Here’s an article on why this personality type is often perceived as odd.

Click here to view the Web story of this article.