51 INTJ Memes You Will Instantly Relate To

Enjoy watching memes you can relate to?

There are some pretty amazing ones on the internet.

And as an INTJ, I enjoy finding those that represent my personality type in a funny way.

Today, I’ll share with you my long list of the best INTJ memes you can find.

Let’s dive straight in.

51 Best INTJ Memes You Have To See

Ready for your dose of daily memes? Here are some memes about the INTJ personality type that you will instantly relate to.

doing nothing meme
Source: redd.it

I don’t think you understand… introvert actually willingly chooses to enjoy its own company.

intj faling in love meme
Source: redd.it

It’s just not rational, so it doesn’t make much sense to us. 

intj procrastinate meme
Source: redd.it

A witty way to justify our dark side sometimes.

intj problems
Source: redd.it

Look, we get it. You have problems. But they’re your problems, so please suffer in contemplative silence.

intj not anti-social meme
Source: redd.it

We can’t help being better than everyone else!

intj small talk meme
Source: redd.it

I don’t think any MBTI personality type hates small talk as much as INTJ. It’s meaningless and drains our already low social energy. Plus, with so many interesting topics out there, you want to talk about the weather?!

intj in public meme
Source: redd.it

People see us as weird for many reasons.

Maybe because we get really caught up in our thoughts, which other people see as daydreaming. Or because we’re direct and blunt, which is apparently not a very desirable communication etiquette. 

intj perfect date meme
Source: redd.it

What do you mean we take things too literally? I’d say there’s at least a 50-50 chance she was actually talking about date formats.

intj feeling meme
Source: redd.it

Yes, this pretty much depicts how we feel when we’re pressed to express our feelings. It’s an intrusion of something you have no business knowing.

intj awkwardness meme
Source: redd.it

Even as an INTJ, I acknowledge there’s a certain awkwardness in our social interaction. We simply can’t put ourselves into your shoes, so we may not respond in the way you want us to.

intj villains meme
Source: redd.it

Voldemort, Dexter, Magneto, Maleficent… some of the most brilliant villains among fictional characters are INTJs.

But let’s make one thing clear. INTJs aren’t inherently evil. They simply have some amazing capabilities that make a good villain. These include rationality, goal-oriented nature, and strong intuition.

intj and entp meme
Source: redd.it

ENTPs are the only ones that understand the joy of finding connections and deciphering patterns like INTJs do. As intuitive thinkers, we both enjoy abstract conversation and searching for a deeper meaning.

intj analysing meme
Source: redd.it

One of our not-so-great traits is we can be very self-critical, to the point of analyzing every single thing.

int arrogance
Source: redd.it

Hey, it’s not arrogance if you’re right!

intj social interaction meme
Source: redd.it

Only an INTJ person can understand how difficult it is when you’re forced off-track like this. We need to be mentally prepared for social interaction, so a timely cue would be nice next time.

intj solution meme
Source: redd.it

I’m sorry, but we don’t know what to say. And we won’t know any better even after being put through the same situation for the 100th time. So can we avoid pleasantries and get to the bottom of the issue already?

intj emotions meme
Source: redd.it

Who says we INTJs can’t laugh at ourselves?

But all jokes aside, we aren’t as cold and emotionless as other people see us. In fact, we can be quite overwhelmed by our inability to rationalize our feelings.

intj argument meme
Source: redd.it

Being right is not an easy job. Especially when you forget for a minute that ignorant people exist.

If I had a penny every time I started explaining something obvious to someone not dealing with reality… I’d be rich by now.

intj meme
Source: redd.it

Actually, we can be both. Quite paradoxical, I know. But the latter requires much better social skills than we have.

Source: redd.it

I really don’t get what you want me to say, INFJ

intj group meme
Source: redd.it

INTJs hate group works for two reasons.

First, because no one will want to be in their group. But they’ll be forcefully grouped with the other rejects.

And then, most work will fall on their backs, as they’re the smartest ones in the group.

intj puberty meme
Source: redd.it

Okay, I admit. We do tend to have a bit of a superiority complex during our teenage years. But what can we do? We’re simply too aware of our capabilities and knowledge.

intj personal time
Source: redd.it

We do really love our partners and enjoy their company. But we also need some time alone, even if we’re in a relationship. And those eight hours of personal time sound like the best way for an INTJ to spend the day.

intj grown up meme
Source: redd.it

Cats are perfect pets. They’re fine on their own and don’t need constant attention as proof of our love.

intj enthusiasm meme
Source: redd.it

Nothing is more frustrating than not having anyone to share with enthusiasm about the perfect plan.

when introverts meet meme
Source: redd.it

But, but… I feel like that’s a pretty accurate impression of extroverts.

intj be right meme
Source: redd.it

It’s no secret – we do want to be right. And luckily for us, we usually are.

intj hints meme
Source: redd.it

We’re so bad at taking hints, it’s no joke.

intj seceret meme
Source: redd.it

But hey, it’s a win-win situation!

intj meme criticisms
Source: sosyncd.com

It might not be what you want, but I assure you, it’s what you need.

intj meme party
Source: redd.it

Of course, I’m just making sure no one notices me leaving and tries to stop me. 

intj efficiency meme
Source: redd.it

Laugh all you want, but efficiency is a virtue.

intj sarcasm meme
Source: redd.it

In the end, it seems like being direct and honest is the only way people won’t misinterpret you. But then you’ll appear rude and insensitive… I guess some people can never be pleased.

intj other intentions meme
Source: redd.it

You see, we don’t know how to read other people’s intentions. So we really need to consider all possibilities, even unlikely ones.

intj consequences meme
Source: pinimg.com

The joke’s on you. I went over the scenario at least 1,000 times, and I have a plan for about 30 different outcomes.

intj emotions
Source: pinimg.com

Bree Van de Kamp

Might not be a real INTJ, but she sure does have a few good points.

intj insult meme
Source: pinimg.com

As you know, we like to speak about facts. And that’s the same approach we use when insulting people.

intj phone meme
Source: pinimg.com

Here we go again. Now I need quick mental preparedness in order to answer that.

intj cheer you up meme
Source: pinimg.com

Just look at it rationally. There’s still a pretty good chance you’ll experience worse things in the future, this is nothing!

intj plan meme
Source: pinimg.com

Don’t worry, plan C and D are also up my sleeve, just in case.

intj overthinking meme
Source: pinimg.com

While some of these may sound random, I assure you these are all topics INTJ like to obsessively think about every day.

intj emotional support meme
Source: pinimg.com

You need this, even though you don’t know it. You can find emotional support elsewhere, but no one will slap you in the face with facts like INTJ would.

intj small talk meme
Source: pinimg.com

And then people wonder why we can’t make a tiny effort to make some small talk… It fires back every time.

intj argument meme
Source: pinimg.com

We can’t let others live in the dark. So if you’re talking nonsense, you’ll be busted instantly.

intj sarcasm meme

Not understanding our sarcasm? Well, our humor is too complex for casuals to understand. 

intj nobody cancels meme
Source: quoracdn.net

Admit it, you were hoping for cancelation until the last minute. Well, that’s what you get for hanging out with them extroverts.

intj movies meme
Source: quoracdn.net

Why does it have to be the dog?!

intj clothes meme
Source: quoracdn.net

I’m sorry, I don’t understand you. Why would stores give clothes for free?

intj therapist meme
Source: quoracdn.net

You can enter… if you’re well-equipped to do so.

intj people meme
Source: quoracdn.net

You can do everything you want when you have a tool that’s large enough.

intj notification meme
Source: quoracdn.net

As an INTJ, that red notification icon is bugging me so much. But am I ready to actually open that pandora box now…?

To Sum Things Up

As you can see, there are many relatable INTJ memes out there.

And if I can admit, some are too relatable.

So whether you were looking for a funny meme to identify with or just to have a good laugh, I hope you enjoyed the list.

Looking for relatable INTJ quotes? Here’s our article with the longest INTJ quote list you can find.